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Zaryte's Player Moderator Application

Discussion in 'Applications' started by Zaryte, May 15, 2017.


Do you think Zaryte would benefit the server as a Moderator?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. Zaryte

    Zaryte Helper Staff Member Helper

    May 6, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Greetings fellow players of Sardior,

    The main reason I'm posting this Aplication is because I want to be 100% committed with the Sardior Community.

    Why do I think I should be a Player Moderator?

    Basically, My time zone is UTC-06:00, which means it's a different one from the Staff of Sardior( 8 hours to be exact ), you may say, what's with that? Well, while the Sardior Staff is not online, the person who is going to take care and look for the server might be the person who lives at the other side of the world and doesn't have a problem being on the server watching/helping/chilling with people. That being said, I can guarantee I will be there for Sardior at any time.

    I'm really looking forward to Sardior and can't wait for the player base to grow as such, cause I think this server's got what it takes to get at the top list of Private Servers.
    Great Community equals great expectations.

    I'm active most of the day since my University is over and I have month vacations which I intend to enjoy playing Sardior

    A big shoutout to the current Sardior Staff and the great community, this was my Moderator Application for the Sardior Server.

    Regards, Zaryte.
    Ownage, Boemba, LowKey and 1 other person like this.
  2. cheung

    cheung Member

    May 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Nice app. I gave it some deep thought. And you got my vote. If not for moderator, atleast for helper.

    Zaryte likes this.
  3. Zaryte

    Zaryte Helper Staff Member Helper

    May 6, 2017
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    Thanks for the repply Cheung, looking forward to the server and you guys inspire me to do my best everyday!
    Ownage and LowKey like this.
  4. Ownage

    Ownage Member

    May 16, 2017
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    zaryte is a good person to the community and helps out a lot of new players, he would be the choosen one for this role.

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