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A New type of Construction Skill.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Larrikin, May 24, 2017.

  1. Larrikin

    Larrikin Member

    May 14, 2017
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    So as of now the construction skill has not been finished. As a person who never uses their house in Rsps or even when I played runescape I thought and idea that could help make construction more useful through out playing the game.
    -instead of a house and your own private location you can build chairs or other like items to be used during the time you play. (ex) building a chair that can be pulled out anywhere in the game but the chair will give you a cert % or amount overtime restore to health or prayer.
    -Now yes this is the idea for just one item so it could be considered pointless ti get up and use. So as you your level increases you create better chairs that have quicker restore rate.
    -With the higher level of the chair and the better increase in the amount it restores the items required to build the chair become from common items to uncommon to extremely rare.
    -This would also give either monster more items to drop and to be added to the econ for sale, or for items that are already dropped to be sold for other reasons.
    *Please give me some feedback on this idea, I believe it could be a unique trait to Sardior that i have not seen on other servers.
    Jasper likes this.
  2. bart

    bart Helper Staff Member Helper

    May 10, 2017
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    Amazing idea with the chairs, I love it

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