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Donator zone Ideas.

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Larrikin, May 29, 2017.

  1. Larrikin

    Larrikin Member

    May 14, 2017
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    AT the moment the donator zone does not have much I have been trying to come up with a few Ideas for the zone.
    -The zone could have shops added so it could be used as 2nd home for donators.

    -Work on some extra donator only items. (ex.) I came up with the idea of a "slayer whip" it could perhaps have the same stats as a regular whip. But when used on slayer tasks maybe give the bonuses like slayer helms do a % increase. Of course make it cost more than the present frozen whip in slayer stores.

    -Add gold ore to donator zone minning area.
    That's all I have at the moment But Present donators and people who wish to donate but are unsure if the benefits of donators are enough at the moment. please leave ideas.

    A slayer command to teleport you to your current task.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2017
  2. bart

    bart Helper Staff Member Helper

    May 10, 2017
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    I'm all for making donating attractive and worth to do, but I don't think adding more powerful versions of items only for donators is a good thing
    Larrikin and Tha Ozzi like this.
  3. Tha Ozzi

    Tha Ozzi Sponsor Sponsor

    May 23, 2017
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    I agree with bart on that one, but whould awsome to see better benefits. IMO The more you donate the more you should be rewarded.
    Right now there a few benefits only, if i come up with something i'll be posting my suggestions.

    - Maybe add donator thieving stall ( just one) which give slightly more exp and money then regular market stall (90 thieving needed for this one).
    Larrikin, Boemba and bart like this.

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