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Vote Shop Revamp

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by I Koj, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. I Koj

    I Koj New Member

    Jul 29, 2017
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    I have not voted once because items in the vote shop do not interest me enough or are too pricey.

    I will rate the current items from a scale of 1-10. Ratings 1-4 will be items I won't bother and Ratings 6-10 will be items I would want to save up for.


    - Mystery box --- 1
    Does not seem like it is worth it. Currently, the cost is approximately $4 in the donation store but its cost in the vote store is 250 vote points. At 12 votes per day, that's if all the vote site works, it will take 21 days. I personally would not bother.

    - Crystal keys --- 3
    It would take 1 day to get one. I'd rather save points for other items.

    - Overloads --- 4
    I can get 4 overloads per day. If I can get 6 per day, it might put me on the edge. But then again, I would rather save my points for other items of interests.

    - Dragon Defender --- 2
    At 52 points, that's 5 days of voting. I would rather go farm it myself for a whole day but on a side note, I have not done so myself because I am currently using a DFS. 2 days max to farm for this def is my bet.

    - Cosmetic boots --- 1
    Cosmetics are supposed to be cool. Raising their value does not make them more interesting IMO. 4 days of voting for some boots that are for newcommers and doesn't fit fashion-scape due to our limited cosmetic item base, neh. Someone else might think it's valuable and rare such as the flippers but I could care less about it.

    - Cosmetic scarves --- 1
    Same as above. That gnome scarf though did catch my eye for a second. If it was 2-3 days, I might think about this scarf.

    - Boxing Gloves --- 2
    11 days of voting. I would like to get my hands on one of these but 11 days? Is this item tradable? If it is, it better cost more than a BCP or Bandos Tassy in which I can grind for in a day or two. If not, then half of at least half. 5-7 days worth of voting would probably put me on the edge.

    - Skeleton outfit --- 1
    14 days of voting. I'd be quite impress if I see someone wearing this because now I know how much time they have spent to get this full outfit but.. skeleton is a common item in osrs. To me, it holds no value other than the point that it cost this much and nobody will be impress if they don't know how much it costs.


    These are just my opinions. If flowers were added, I might try to get one or two. Black and white flowers costing more points. Or maybe have the seeds in the shop for 1 point each and we can plant them ourselves like fp gambling. White and black flowers are rarer so if tradable, they will hold some cosmetic value to them. Plus black and white flowers goes great with many outfit :D

    Monkey greegree. If these were in the store and transform when wielded, I would probably spend 4-7 days grinding the points for 1 of these items.

    Pets.. If there could be some other category of pets, I'd be interested. This one is kinda out of the ball park as it might make the server too unique? idk

    And lastly, I know this one will never go through but.. parthats. 300 vote points, that is 25 days of non-stop perfect voting. At this point, a player who has played for 1 month will be bored and have no other reasons to play but to get on every now and then and see if there is anything new and hang out for no more than an hr. Everybody is different but atleast that is what I have seen lately. For those who have already bought phats from the donor store, their points will be returned. It shouldn't be too difficult to see who's got a phat in their bank. And if someone has sold their phats in-game, then the person who bought gets the point. If I see someone with a phat with this idea, I can say I am amazed that he or she has collected this much points for this long and bought a phat from the voting store. Plus phats are cool!


    With these suggestions, vpn voting might be a concern you say? Well make a program that will notify you if someone is mass voting a certain amount of day. But idk. These are just a thought, anyone else has better ideas, feel free to add in and let me hear what your thoughts are too.

    Thanks! :)
    Jasper and Bluemeany like this.
  2. Bluemeany

    Bluemeany New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    I vote for the 1.5x exp but have no idea what to use my points on
  3. Jasper

    Jasper Owner & Developer Staff Member Owner & Developer

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Thanks for the suggestions and your feedback!

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