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Guide to all skills

Discussion in 'Guides & Tutorials' started by Bluemeany, Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Bluemeany

    Bluemeany New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    In this guide I will be trying my best to explain and show the most efficient way to train a skill based on my experience on maxing.

    If something is not clear please tell me. All recommendations are welcome and honest feedback is needed.

    Please note: Level requirements are identical to Osrs. So are the ingredients to make an item.

    Beginning of the guide

    1-20: Mine copper, tin, iron very straight forward.
    20-99: Mine the falling star that crashes every 30 minutes (could be wrong). Provides lots of supplies for crafting, prayer and smithing. This is very important.

    1-99: This is the hardest and slowest skill in-game. I recommend to save all your skills points and use them on Herblore. Farming is going to be your best source of herbs and might have to go over 13m farming xp. Do not buy the Herb Boxes with Marks of Grace, they aren't worth it.

    Once your 81 herblore, farm Torstol herbs and make Zamorak Brews with jangeberries untill 99.

    Ingredient guide here: https://www.sardiorrsps.org/Community/index.php?threads/herblore-guide.82/#post-398

    Slayer and Combat skills:
    This is also very straight forward and also good for money. Get slayer task from Nieve, (I don't recommend Duradel as bossing provides less xp per hour) upgrade your gear to the best you can afford and equip. By the time you you're about 90 slayer you will be 99 Melee and range.

    1-99: Pick up dragon bones from your task as well as collecting bones from loot crates and crashed stars, use them on the altar at home. This really doesn't take too long and will get it in a week max.

    1-55: Train combat spells on rock crabs.
    55-99: High alch until 99, this is about 4000 casts give or take.
    1-99: Another viable method is to just train through combat, even better if you have a trident of the seas.

    1-62: Fish until you hit level 62 for Monkfish.
    62-99: At this point I consider fishing to be slower than Herblore, but since you can afk it it's not too bad. Monkfish are better xp than Shark and burn less too.

    1-62: Same as fishing, this goes by quick so no explanation.
    62-99: Compared to fishing, this is very fast and will get 99 cooking long before 99 fishing. Use Monkfish.

    1-10: Draynor rooftop.
    20-30: Al-kharid rooftop.
    30-40: Varrock rooftop
    40-99: Cannafis rooftop. This is the best xp in game and is pretty straight forward.

    Note: You can sell for profit (decent money) or ::empty to get a bit more xp per hour.

    1-35: Bakers stall
    35-50: Silver stall
    50-60: Gem stall
    60-90: Master Farmer
    90-99: Market Stall

    1-99: Cut gems and keep them, DO NOT SELL (later used for fletching). Gather all of the gems you can from drops and crashed star. You may need to buy gems from store.

    1-73: Use the best logs and make them to bows until you reach level 73.
    73-99: Cut all your cut gems and make them into bolt tips, buy bolts from the range shop at ::home and combine the bolts and bolt tips for massive fletching xp.

    Note: Some people might tell you to use and infernal axe, but all this does is make you loose firemaking xp. Yes if you want to go over 13m woodcutting xp, this is more afk but slower way to reach 99 firemaking.

    Note 2: You can not light redwood with a tinderbox.

    1-75: Make your way up quickly to level 75.
    75-99: Burn magic logs until 99.

    Note: Bank at the runecraft abyss when your inventory is full.

    1-14: Guam
    14-19: Marrentill
    19-26: Tarromin
    26-32: Harralander
    32-38: Rannar
    38-44: Toadflax
    44-50: Irit
    50-56: Avantoe
    56-62: Snapdragon
    62-67: Cadantine
    73-79: Lantadyme
    79-85: Dwarf Weed
    85-99: Torstol

    • Zeah banking with pet skills
    These are the skills that are in Zeah and if you have a pet you can bank whenever. You can also do them the regular way.

    Note: Another good way of gathering some resources, recommend before 99 smithing as dragon implings gives a lot of bars.

    Note 2: Buy about 5000 impling jars for 99.

    1-22: Baby impling
    22-28: Young imping
    28-36: Earth impling
    36- 42: Essence impling
    50-58: Eclectic impling
    58-65: Nature impling
    65-74: Magpie impling
    74-83: Ninja impling
    83-99: Dragon impling

    Note: There is an anvil in the castle of the Kingdom of Great Kourend, it is very out of the way and takes a while to get to but speeds things up if you have a pet.

    1-87: There are a lot of items you can make, just keep upgrading metals and making the best thing you can.
    87-99: This is the slower way but since this is EXTREMELY good money it is recommended. Make rune axes until 99, each rune axe sells for 40000 coins.
    88-99: Make adamant platebodies, mithril platebodies and the rune item that requires the most bars.

    Note: Go to the woodcutting guild and not the skilling area so you can bank with your pet.
    Note 2: Do not cut redwood trees.

    1-15: Normal trees
    15-30: Oak trees
    30-45: Willow trees
    45-60: Maple trees
    60-75: Yew trees
    75-99: Magic trees.

    Note: Its not worth it to use pouches.

    1-44: Make your way to 44 really fast with the best runes you can make.
    44-77: Make it so you can bank, hit the nature teleport and return to banking without moving the screen.
    77-90: Make bloods at Zeah (bank with pet) for really fast xp.
    90-99: Make soul runes at zeah for even faster xp.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017

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