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Bluemeany's aplication

Discussion in 'Applications' started by Bluemeany, Aug 15, 2017.


Do you think I should be a helper?

  1. Yes

  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  1. Bluemeany

    Bluemeany New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    1. Your in-game username. Bluemeany

    2. How old are you? 18

    3. How long have you been playing the server for? I've been playing for a month and a total of 9 days online in the server.

    4. Why do you want to be a helper? I know the server inside out by gathering information from other players or just experiencing and discovering things myself. I'm currently maxed so I have lots of knowledge of what works and what doesn't.

    5. What have you done on Sardior to make it better? I'm currently working on a Guide to All Skills (I know i haven't done it yet but its a lot of information) and most likely future guides. I always help players in need, new and old and report every bug I see, as well as give suggestions.

    6. What will you do with helper powers? I'm not sure what powers helpers have nor do I think I need them, my main goal is that new players and currently active players have a representative of the server available to ask questions and get help.

    7. Why do you believe you should be Helper/Mod? I'm a very active player with a lot of experience on how to handle players, I'm always willing to chat and answer questions, I know I can do this without the rank but when you get information from a helper it just feels more reliable and that the server has a dedicated team to make it grow.

    8. Have you ever been given a rank (staff) on any other servers? Yes, I was a mod on a fairly big server of about 50 online players at a time. I've been an admin on a minecraft server (yes I know this is an rsps and its different but I feel the experience applies to all games) as I've helped develop the server and lead the moderator team.

    8.1. If you have, Name their server: The rsps was called rs4ever, it was around since 2009 and closed its doors in 2016. The wiki is still around and you can even see my name on the staff list (Jason2, currently my alt on Sardior). The minecraft server was called Total Anarchy and was also shut down.

    9.Have you ever broken a rule, been jailed or muted? No I have not.

    9.1. If you have, state it here (or skip step if you haven't). N/a

    10. How many hours are you online a day? (forums/in-game) Every time I'm on my pc I'm on the forums and discord. In-game about 3pm to 11pm.

    11. Will you be active on the forums? I'm always active on the forums.

    12. What will you do as a staff member of Sardior? (2 paragraphs or more that's 8 sentences )
    As a staff member I will actively moderate the server and its players as well as the forums/discord. Answering every question i get to the best of my ability and knowledge as well as improving my skills. I really like this server and its community and will do everything in my power to make it grow. I think the time zone difference between myself and the developers will help since we can be online at different hours.

    I could also help with the development of the server, what do I mean? I am a reliable tester and will give honest feedback negative and positive. I could also help with content, example, I could rework the vote shop (listing items and prices and giving them to the developers to code in) seeing people aren't to happy with it. I've made several shops in my old server and am no stranger to this type of work.

    13. Do you own a server or owned one? I have, I'm going to university in about 6 months, planning to study Computer Science, so as practice I opened my server. Sadly I couldn't get enough player base to pay and fine the reason to buy a dedicated Server Host.

    13.1. If you have, name server name here. You won't find any information on it, all I have are the files but it was called Xenodox.

    No matter if I'm accepted or not I will continue to do my best to help the server, thanks for reading.
    If you don't agree with me being a helper, please comment and give your honest opinion.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  2. bart

    bart Helper Staff Member Helper

    May 10, 2017
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    As I'm not really active anymore I suggest that @Boemba you give my position to this guy :)

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