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Application Form

Discussion in 'Applications' started by Boemba, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. Boemba

    Boemba Administrator Staff Member Owner & Developer Moderator

    Apr 19, 2017
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    This will be the way to make an application on the forums for a rank in-game/forums. Please use this form if not your application will be denied immediately and you don't want that to happen. So please follow these guidelines.

    1. Your in-game username.
    2. How old are you?
    3. How long have you been playing the server for?
    4. Why do you want to be a helper?
    5. What have you done on Sardior to make it better?
    6. What will you do with helper powers?
    7. Why do you believe you should be Helper/Mod?
    8. Have you ever been given a rank (staff) on any other servers?

    8.1. If you have, Name their server:
    9.Have you ever broken a rule, been jailed or muted?
    9.1. If you have, state it here (or skip step if you haven't).
    10. How many hours are you online a day? (forums/in-game)
    11. Will you be active on the forums?
    12. What will you do as a staff member of Sardior? (2 paragraphs or more that's 8 sentences )
    13. Do you own a server or owned one?

    13.1. If you have, name server name here.
    Tha Ozzi likes this.

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