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Cheung's Forum MOD/Helper Application

Discussion in 'Applications' started by cheung, May 16, 2017.


Do you believe I should obtain this rank?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. cheung

    cheung Member

    May 12, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi there fellow Sardiorians! I am here today to give to you my Forum Mod/Helper Application.

    I am submitting this Application because I want to put all my Online Time into the Saridor Community.

    You might ask: Why do I think I should be a Forum Moderator/Helper?

    I am personally more of a fan toward a community's website/forum. To me the forum is the actual "community". I am very active on forums, when I am or am not home. (With my phone). I love this community, I have been with it for just a few days before launch, and I feel great to have found Sardior when I did. SINCE I AM SO ACTIVE ON FORUMS, YOU CAN CONTACT VIA FORUM FOR ANY IN-GAME HELP. I haven't played or worked with an RSPS for over a year now, and I am glad I found this one to give my time to. The players and staff here are great, and I see much in the future for Sardior, I would love to be a part of it, regardless what happens.

    ============A FEW THINGS ABOUT ME============

    Age: 21
    Timezone: EST
    Fun/Likes? : Web development, GFX, Boxing, Forum Moderation.
    RS Since: 2005

    Feel free to ask me anything!

    I can't wait to see Sardior grow, as well as grow with it! I see great visions in its future, along with a vast community! Lets make Sardior the best it can be!

    I can be on at almost anytime since I work at home and that gives me time to play and be more active.

    Thanks to anyone and everyone for viewing my application, Please leave me any feedback, as this is my official application.

    Regards, Cheung.
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
  2. Jasper

    Jasper Owner & Developer Staff Member Owner & Developer

    Apr 19, 2017
    Likes Received:
    +1 for me
    cheung likes this.
  3. Ownage

    Ownage Member

    May 16, 2017
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    +1 i like the way cheung works hard with players and gives major helps so i will vote for a yes!
    cheung likes this.

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