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Game Rules

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Boemba, Apr 22, 2017.

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  1. Boemba

    Boemba Administrator Staff Member Owner & Developer Moderator

    Apr 19, 2017
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    Fellow adventurer, we want to have a good and fun community for everyone. We don't like rules but they will always be there. We ill divide these rules into four major categories; Forum, In-game, Discord and the webshop.

    Just a small notice, these rules can be changed at any time in the future. If you think you are punished wrongly go to the courtoom section and tell us why.

    Official Forum Rules
    No spamming
    The following items will be looked at as spam:
    -Less than 3 words per post
    -Bump messaging on threads
    -Double/Triple post on threads
    -Posting irrelevant things to the topic or forum section.

    No advertising
    -Don't advertise for other servers that are active or in development.
    Offline server can be mentioned or other games that do not involve rsps's.

    No harassment
    -Do not harras your fellow players on the forums.
    We will not take this lightly, this needs to be a friendly community

    User profile
    -Do not use any suggestive profile pictures or banners. Keep it clean

    No NSFW stuff.
    -Nsfw images and videos will be removed and punished. (Porn/Nudes/Hentai)

    Official In-game Rules
    Ofcourse free speech exists here, but there will be limitations to them.

    Mentioning of other Servers
    -If the server is down, you are free to talk about it.
    -If the server is active or in development, you are not allowed to talk about it.
    -If you do have a conversation about a different server that is active, refrain from using their name.
    -You cannot advertise or ask people to join a different RSPS.

    This will include ANY chat! (friends, clan, game, ...)
    -It will be considered spam if you send the same message multiple times in a row without a break in rapid succession.

    Advertising of services
    -Advertising anything related to Sardior is allowed.
    -Advertising related to other RSPS is not allowed.
    -Advertising to other stuff not related to rsps community should be done sparingly.

    -In the yell and help friend chat will only be talking in English.
    -Other chats you can speak freely.

    -Harassment is considered unwanted directed attacks upon one's player.
    -Do not harass your fellow players, they are just like you a human being.
    -'Revenge' on someone for harassing you is not accepted here.

    Racist and/or Sexist remarks
    -use of racist/sexist remarks meaning to offend or insult someone is not allowed.
    -In moderation, jokes are allowed.

    Flaming players and staff
    -Disrespecting anyone without any valid reason is not accepted and will be punished.
    -Do not straight up flame other players for any reason.
    -Have respect for everyone, if you do, you will get far here.

    Real world trading
    -Trading items, currency or donator status from In-game currency or services outside of the game is unacceptable.

    -Don't repeatedly ask for items/currency/donations from other players.

    Bug Abuse
    -Bug abuse can take many forms. If you find something you believe to be a bug, please report it to the staff team so they can tell the developers directly. (If none are available, simply private message any of the devs on the forums or discord.)
    -Using a bug to benefit yourself, others or your clan in any way is considered bug abuse and can be cause for severe punishment.
    -Spreading bugs publically isn’t acceptable, please report it directly to a staff member or developer.Smuggling items into or out of any minigame (or instance) is not allowed.

    -Auto-clicking and auto-typing is not allowed.
    -Setting up a bot for any reason also isn't allowed.

    -Safespotting any boss-/minions via the use of a bug is not alowed.
    -Any other monster from standing behind the environment is allowed.

    Multiple accounts
    -Using multiple accounts to benefit yourself on one account is not allowed.
    -You are allowed to play on multiple accounts as long as you do not transfer them all to one account.

    -Scamming is where you profit or gain something from a player that is unaware of the value of their items/trade by the use of deceitful acts. This includes not paying for a service or forcing an offer on price that isn't the actual value of the items. Scamming in any variant is not allowed. If you set an offer that is lower than the actual value of the item, you are basically scamming.

    VPN usage and Punishment evasion
    -Using a VPN to evade punishment or to vote multiple times is not allowed and will be punished by the severity of it.

    Official Discord Rules
    -Do not advertise for any other RSPS.
    -If you want to share your stream link, only do it once. If you stream about any other rsps we promptly remove you from the discord.

    Racism, Offensive Terms, Trolling
    -If you are in the text chat, you cannot use any form of racist terms whatsoever. If we see one, we will remove it and give you a warning. Do it again, and you will find that you will no longer be in the Discord. If you're starting a fight in the Discord, you better stop.
    -If you are offending someone through PM, and you get reported, you will be removed from the chat. However, you also cannot witch hunt, so if you edit a screenshot, or omit something to make the situation taken out of context, you will be punished as well. You cannot troll to the extent that someone actually gets hurt. There is a fine line between joking and insulting.
    -If you are in the voice chat, you can use certain words that were derived from derogatory words, but if we determine that you're saying it to insult someone, you will get banned. If you join the voice chat, and all you're doing is being pretentious, sticking where your business shouldn't be, or just downright annoying, depending on severity, you will get locked out of the General channel.
    -There is no such thing as revenge insulting, don't start insulting somebody in the Discord out of nowhere because they insulted you in the past. There isn't a point to doing so. If you say something that is completely uncalled for, we can only assume you're trying to start something.

    Threatening, Leak of Personal Information, Blackhatting and Blackmail
    -You are not going to come into the Sardior discord to leak DOXs. The moment the first post goes down, your ass is out. We absolutely do not tolerate any form of blackmail, neither are we going to take kindly to those that threaten other players, or the server with DDoS attacks.
    -If we found out that you're PM'ing people about services that are illegal, then you will be kicked from the Discord.
    -If you start leaking sensitive information, like addresses or pictures in the discord, you will be banned.
    -If you post a DB leak, you will no longer be able to join the Discord.

    18+, R-Rated Material, Nudity, Pornography and Gore
    -You cannot post any material, or any link to anything that is porn, gore, nudity, or R-rated material in the discord. We will not have a NSFW text channel.

    Switching of Channels.
    -Do not constantly switch between channels, especially if one of them has multiple people. It's annoying and can get you locked out of the populated voice channel.

    Personal Threats and Witchhunting.
    -If we see that you are threatening to harm another person or their connections in real life, you're not going to get unbanned. Actually, you can stay out if you do. You are not allowed to witchhunt. If I see that you're trying to rile up the community to go against a staff member or a player, you can leave and the community will get logs of what you were trying to do.

    Official Webshop Rules
    Wrong information and problems during donating.
    -If you placed in wrong information or something went wrong you will receive and email, so will we.
    Still try to contact us ingame, discord or by mail. We will do our best to solve the problem and see what went wrong.

    -Every donation you do will be considered definitive and can hereby not be payed back. Every charge-back will be declined. When you donate you 'engage' yourself to have read these rules and to understand them. In Extreme condition's there will be an option be talked and reconsider a charge-back. When this is the case you will have to contact us before doing a charge-back.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    Adam, Afgoo, cheung and 1 other person like this.
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