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Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Bluemeany, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. Bluemeany

    Bluemeany New Member

    Jul 27, 2017
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    As the title says, these are just suggestions and me trying to help improve the server.

    Vials of water should be noted for easier buy.
    Impling jars should also be noted.
    Gems could also be noted.
    I don't know if it's intentional (if it is, just ignore), but xp rates drop of immensely at higher levels. (For example, getting a yew log is only 1500 more xp than getting a willow log )
    Mithril, adamant, runite ores shouldn't require coal to make into bars. (Getting coal is highly inconvient and just annoying)
    When fishing you randomly stop for some reason.
    When you bank, items don't stack up with the same item if there in another tab.

    If you don't understand something (I'll try to explain better) or don't agree with something, just let me know.

    Ill be updating this as I go. (or if you prefer I can make a different thread)

    Also all other suggestions and feedback is welcome.

    EDIT: I'm thinking about new players and the servers enjoyment, not everyone likes to grind(that's why they play an rsps) I'm all for the grind, but for other people it might be intimidating and turn them away.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017

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